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Juan Orozco – Taekwondo Instructor

Juan Orozco was born in Columbia and moved to the Untied States at a young age. He began training in Taekwondo at the age of six in Libertyville under a former Korean Presidential bodyguard. Juan earned his black belt quickly and competed heavily as a youth, winning...

Tom Grant – Instructor | Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Tom Grant – Instructor | Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Tom has been training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Team Redzovic since 2009. Before that he spent the better part of a decade training in the sport of Fencing, first in Chicago then at the Olympic level training facility at Ohio State. Tom had a successful NCAA career...

Instructor Bio – Shani Barnett

Instructor Bio – Shani Barnett

Instructor name: Shani Barnett Birthday: December 7th Rank: 3rd DAN (& 3 points) Years studying Taekwondo: 13 years with Master Lee (and still studying). Years teaching Taekwondo: 5 years. Other Martial Arts Experience: Kickboxing: 5 years (1 in the ring) Muay...

Benefits of Martial Arts

Benefits of Martial Arts

While martial arts provides a solid physical workout, it has many mental benefits as well. Martial Arts students find they better cope with stress, sleep better at night, work better during the day and just overall feel better. They also have a greater peace of mind...

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